Ruth D-Whyte is an educational consultant as well as a mother of a 17-year-old child with Special needs and has gained loads of experience through the years.

I must start by stating out rightly that this is a hard time for everyone with children especially for kids with Special needs. Blatantly, if you need a day or two to cry, then cry out loud, BUT PLEASE, get right back up once you are done!

As parents, we need to ensure that we are prepared to fight through this season and i mean fight because for some, this may just be easier than others, but for some, the challenges may just be more than we could bear. Knowing that you have a child or young person with needs does prove that you are a fighter, and this is our time to surge ahead together.

I have carefully outlined some steps we all can follow in whatever order we choose.
Don’t bother yourself about perfection, as we won’t always get it right, but once you do, give yourself a pat on the back and keep moving !

The code of conduct outlines 4 types of needs and I find myself ticking the boxes of all 4 in response to my sons’ needs.
1. Communication and interaction
2. Cognition and learning
3. Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
4. Sensory and/or physical needs

 Communication and intervention
 As much as possible communicate the simple facts and truth to your children.
 The earlier they get a hang of the truth the better. No point in saying tomorrow for it’s not tomorrow!! Use all the strategies you know and call in to School to discover some more. Some of which may be Pecs, AAC methods, Social stories and many more.

 Routine
We all know the benefits of routine for kids with special needs. This is the best time to use routine not just for young persons with Special needs but for everyone!
Let’s do this and try to stick to it. Healthy routines that can actually help us all and please don’t kick yourself in the but if you miss a couple of days..
The use of Visual timetables

The next question would be .What help can we get?


I will keep updating you with tips and more routines that can guide us through, but this is our time to believe in ourselves for excellence.

We can all do this together ,let’s all sail through ??

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