Our Mission is to offer a rich and caring environment for all Children irrespective of background:

To engage all our Children with learning and building blocks for healthy development.

At So He Cares, we inspire, engage and empower our kids in a friendly and warm environment.

We build on academic,social and varying skills for excellence.

We aim :

  • To ensure that all Children have access to affordable, quality After school activities
  • To build all our learners with Positive character traits.
  • To give great fun learning opportunities for all our learners.
  • To expose our Children to learning activities that will further aid them in learning.
  • To build and cultivate the special gifts in each unique Child.
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Our Values

Through our actions and influence we will strive to develop learners that are:

  • Striving for the Best
  • Honest and hardworking.
  • Calm, caring, compassionate Individuals

Our Core Values include the following:

  • Compassion
  • Diligence
  • Responsiveness
  • Honesty
  • Dedication